Kids Shoes: Finding the Perfect Pair 

In the land of breathtaking landscapes and boundless adventures, New Zealand offers a haven for families seeking outdoor escapades. As kids frolic through fields, scale rocky terrains, or dash along sandy beaches, their shoes become their trusty companions. Thus, finding the perfect pair of kids’ shoes in New Zealand is not just about style but also about durability, comfort, and functionality. For quality kids shoes with wheels, click here. 

Why Kid’s Shoes Matter

Children’s feet are constantly growing and developing, making proper footwear crucial for their overall health and well-being. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to discomfort, blisters, and even long-term foot problems. In New Zealand, where outdoor activities are abundant, the right pair of kids’ shoes is essential to keep up with the active lifestyle Kiwi families cherish.

Understanding the Needs

New Zealand’s diverse terrain demands versatile footwear for kids. Whether they’re hiking through native forests, splashing in streams, or exploring urban landscapes, their shoes must provide adequate support, traction, and protection. Breathability is also crucial, especially in New Zealand’s variable climate, where feet can quickly become sweaty and uncomfortable.

Top Brands and Styles

Several brands cater to the needs of Kiwi kids, offering a wide range of styles suitable for various activities. From renowned international brands to local favourites, here are some top picks:

  • Merrell Kids: Known for their sturdy construction and reliable grip, Merrell shoes are ideal for adventurous kids exploring New Zealand’s rugged terrains.
  • Bobux: A beloved New Zealand brand, Bobux specialises in children’s footwear designed to promote healthy foot development while offering style and durability.
  • Keen Kids: With their protective toe caps and durable outsoles, Keen shoes are perfect for kids who love to explore rocky shores and bush trails.
  • Adidas Kids: For urban adventures and sports activities, Adidas offers a range of stylish and functional sneakers designed to keep kids comfortable and supported.
  • Salt Water Sandals: These classic leather sandals are perfect for Kiwi summers, providing comfort and style whether kids are strolling along the beach or exploring the city. For quality kids shoes with wheels, click here.

Tips for Choosing the Right Shoes

When shopping for kids’ shoes in New Zealand, consider the following factors to ensure you find the perfect pair:

  • Proper Fit: Have your child’s feet measured regularly, as their size can change quickly. Look for shoes with room to grow but not too loose to cause rubbing or blisters.
  • Support and Cushioning: Opt for shoes with ample cushioning and arch support to provide comfort and stability, especially during long walks or hikes.
  • Durability: Choose shoes made from high-quality materials that can withstand New Zealand’s varied terrain and weather conditions.
  • Breathability: Look for shoes with breathable materials. These will keep feet cool and dry, reducing the risk of discomfort and odours.
  • Water Resistance: Consider waterproof or water-resistant shoes for rainy days or water-based activities to keep kids’ feet dry and comfortable.

Where to Buy Kids Shoes in New Zealand

From specialty children’s shoe stores to department stores and online retailers, there are numerous of options for finding the perfect pair of kids’ shoes in New Zealand. Local favourites include:

  • Bobux: Visit their flagship stores in Auckland and Wellington or shop online for a wide selection of children’s footwear designed with both style and functionality in mind.
  • Number One Shoes: With stores nationwide, Number One Shoes offers affordable options for kids’ shoes, from school shoes to sneakers and sandals.
  • Smiths City: Explore their range of kids’ footwear at stores across New Zealand, featuring brands like Adidas, Merrell, and more.
  • Hannahs: Known for their quality footwear, Hannahs has a variety of options for kids, from casual sneakers to sturdy hiking shoes. For quality kids shoes with wheels, click here.
  • Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, The Warehouse, and Trade Me offer a convenient way to browse and purchase kids’ shoes from the comfort of your home.


Finding the perfect pair of kids’ shoes in New Zealand is essential for ensuring your little ones can explore and enjoy all that this beautiful country has to offer. By considering factors like fit, support, durability, and breathability and exploring reputable brands and retailers, you can equip your kids with footwear that will keep them comfortable and protected on their adventures.